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Welcome to the Končar D&ST career page

About us

If you want to become part of our organization, check out our open job positions below or apply through an open job application.

We are a regional leader in the production of distribution, medium power and special transformers.
The values we are guided by are summarized under the slogan: Tradition. Knowledge. Accountability.
Our team consists of more than 600 employees to whom we provide all the prerequisites for professional and personal development and satisfaction.

Open positions

Become a member of the D&ST team!

How to start a career at Končar D&ST?

At Končar D&ST we employ people of various professions and profiles. Maybe it’s precisely you that we're looking for!


You can apply for a job at Končar D&ST by applying for a specific opened position or through an open application. All applications are stored in our database. If you meet the conditions for a particular position, we will analyze your resume and compare it with our desired candidate profile.

If we select you as a candidate to enter the selection, it is possible that we will invite you to a maximum of three selection rounds consisting of an interview with the Commission and psychological testing. Details of the selection process depend on the open position, and our HR team will notify you regarding all further steps.


Congratulations! When you get a job in Končar D&ST, our HR team will contact you with the good news and a job offer.  In the welcome e-mail, we will send you the Employee Handbook so that you can get to know the organization and prepare for your first day at work.

Employee training and development

At Končar D&ST, we encourage continuous learning and employee development from day one. We provide employees with the opportunity to actively work on the realization of their personal potential in accordance with the needs of the job and their own interests through customized training programmes.


We understand that every beginning is difficult and that is why we strive to provide new employees with a systematic and gradual introduction to the job. Coping in a new environment is made easier for our employees by a manual designed for this purpose containing useful information, as well as presentations and seminars during which they get acquainted with the Končar D&ST culture and business operations. The implementation of the training programme and the necessary support to each new employee is provided by a mentor who is an expert in the relevant field of work.

Development programmes

In order to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in business and further develop their talents, we offer employees training in various fields: from professional and business knowledge, IT skills, foreign languages, soft skills, personal development and management skills for managers. We promote lifelong learning, encouraging employees to participate in professional meetings and external and internal educational programmes. In particular, we support specialist and postgraduate education.

"Smart Wednesday"

On Wednesdays, we regularly organise internal lectures where employees transfer knowledge to each other in the field of their expertise, the latest achievements, current events or interesting things.

D&ST team

Experiences of our employees...